Logo: white silhouette of a caribou inside the letter Q; lettering says "Qalipu First Nation".

Chamber of Commerce Member

Qalipu First Nation

Indigenous Owned
3 Church Street, Corner Brook, NL, A2H 2Z4
Visit Member's Website

Part of the Mi'kmaq Nation

Qalipu is part of the Mi’kmaq Nation whose territory extends from Maine to Quebec, through the Maritime Provinces and into Ktaqmkuk (Newfoundland). This territory is also known as Mi’kma’ki.

Qalipu is made up of 67 traditional Mi’kmaq communities, spread out over 9 Electoral Wards.

Qalipu - Pronounced: holly-boo, Meaning: Caribou

Qalipu has four satellite offices located in Glenwood, Grand Falls-Windsor, St. George’s, and Stephenville and its central administrative office is in Corner Brook.  These offices give representation to the regions of our dispersed Mi’kmaq communities.

Our service offering includes education and training, tourism development, health benefits and services, employment programs, registration assistance, environmental monitoring, culture and heritage and community economic development.   Qalipu also conducts a variety of special programs which vary from year to year.

A herd of caribou running; text "Maw-Pemitajik Qalipu'k"; "The Caribou are Travelling Together"
Maw-Pemitajik Qalipu'k; The Caribou are Travelling Together

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Qalipu Holdings Limited Partnership

Business and industry development are led by the Qalipu Holdings Limited Partnership (LP). Qalipu Holdings LP is an “arms-length”, for-profit company owned by the Band. Its primary mandate is to manage the Band’s portfolio of existing business operations and seek new investment and joint-venture opportunities to ensure the Band’s long-term economic growth and overall sustainability.

Qalipu Holdings LP functions as a holding company for all business operations and investments of the Band. The company liaises extensively with members, business organizations, stakeholders and the government. Its predominant motivation is to prospect for new opportunities and joint-venture partnerships which can be established to generate new revenue for the Band.

Chief Executive Officer

John Davis



Qalipu Business Network

The Qalipu Business Network (QBN) is an opportunity for indigenous business owners to network with each other, develop alliances and partnerships, explore joint ventures, learn about business opportunities and build relationships among Qalipu members. It brings Qalipu business owners under one umbrella and helps create a significant Qalipu business presence.

Membership in QBN is a marketing and networking opportunity for members. The QBN is also where major contractors search for aboriginal sub-contractors and suppliers. Major developments are happening throughout Newfoundland and Labrador and the need for sub-contractors is great.

QBN also holds an annual Business Forum designed to facilitate connections between Indigenous entrepreneurs, member-owned businesses, industry partners and service providers.

Business Development Officer

Melanie Whyatt

